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Re: [HoE] Hand to Hand and AP

I've been listening for a while and figured I'd throw in my two bottle caps...

Issue 1: Templars are heroic figures that wander the west, often alone
or with companions with similar powers, that prefer swords because it
helps make them more self reliant.

Issue 2: Unlike most (all?) other arcane backgrounds, Templars have no
way to hurt armored critters within the area of specialization that they
are known for.  (HTH w. swords)

Issue 3: A reward would give them 'ginsu knife' ablities that allows
them to cut through a can and still be able to dice tomatoes as often as
they like.

	My thought is that maybe it shouldn't be a reward, but a Martyr's
blessing. (**note, power levels may be off, but I do like the idea of
having to spend chips to get these fantasic results)

Marcus, Saint of Melee

	Marcus was a junker who was found by a group of Confederates late in
the war.  Pinned down by heavily armored troops, the soldiers implored
the junker to suppliment thier rapidly dwindling ammo supply. Marcus
refused, simply stating that this whole war would be a lot less messy if
people killed each other as God intended, with knives.  In the hours
before dawn, he brought about a decisive victory by producing a stealth
device and several melee weapons using plasma emitting tips capable of
puncturing armor.

	Deed:  Any hero who consistantly favors melee weapons over firearms has
a chance of gaining this Saints attention.

	White:  A hero's melee weapon unerring finds gaps allowing him to
ignore  1 level of armor after for a number of actions equal to his
	Red:  For a number of actions equal to his faith, the hero's blade
tends to find weak points in armor and slide uncannily through joints,
ignoring 2 levels of armor.
	Blue:  The hero's thrusts are guided by the saint to hit the armor in
such a way that it punches straight through, ignoring 3 levels of armor
for a number of actions equal to his faith.  Think of the hurricain
pictures of a palm leaf pushed through a palm tree.
	Legend: Hero ignores all armor for number of actions equal to his
faith, cleaning slicing  through any armored threat (not walls or doors
or safes) the weapon hits.  Marcus loves the look of shock that the
victims have when this happens.

Vexation:  Marcus never had any patience for anyone who recklessly
endangered others.  He believed firearms causes this on a regular basis
and will forsake any Templar who depends too much on them.

Steven, give the man with the sword a chance, Strange
sign'd with a flourish and a spatter of ink