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Re: [HoE] HTH & AP

>Well, I was trying to make it something that is slightly useful at low
>levels while still being a bit powerful at the high levels.  I was also
>thinking of, instead of AP levels, just increasing damage dice which
>effectively simulates AP.  The drawback from this is that it may get too
>powerful for templars to be running around with a str +2d8 sword which can
>theoretically be bumped up to +3d8 from one of the other gifts and then
>possibly be moved up again to str +5d8.  Geez, who needs a gun at that
>point in time??? (especially against non-armored baddies)

Well I'd agree that the first level should ignore light armor (sort of, see 
below), rather than AP 1.  But...if I understand things correctly, you 
shouldn't _get_ a STR+5d8 sword against non-armed baddies, right?  An AP3 
2d8 sword against an unarmored opponent is still going to do 2d8, right?

Actually, what strikes me as the problem, but I can't really wrap my widdle 
mind around it, is that it's a kind of either/or thing on the Strength 
damage.  Either your weapon does 1d4+ damage and you get the full strength 
roll, or it doesn't due to armor and you absolute don't get _any_ strength 

That strikes me as leaving two options for the Gift:

1: It still has five levels of effect, but Level 1 lets you ignore -2 light 
armor, Level 2 lets you ignore -4 light armor, and Lvls 3-5 give you AP 1-3, 
respectively.  No raises necessarily required with this version.  Or maybe 
they are.

2:  Toss out the AP thing entirely.  The sword itself does no damage if the 
AV reduces it to 0, but...you get your strength damage, as a strength 
attribute check as normal, reduced by one step for each point of difference 
between five and the level of the Gift you have.

So...a 3d10 Strength Templar with one levels of this gift would only roll 
1d6 damage (3d10 goes down four steps to 2d10 - 1d10 - 1d8 - and 1d6).  
Someone with two levels does 1d8.  Someone with three levels, 1d10, someone 
with four levels 2d10, and someone with five levels would get their full 
strength roll.  Again, this is an attribute check, _not_ a damage roll (as 
normal).  This theoretically wouldn't be a huge amount (although the Templar 
has the strength-boosting Gift and can spend chips and stuff like that), but 
at least it would give him a chance to _do_ something.


> > As for your suggested Gift...hmmm.  It's interesting.  A little more 
> > than seems warranted for Templar gifts (whoops, almost typed "Templar 
> > :) ).  I like the Greater Reward, though.  Would have to play around 
>with it
> > a bit.  Thanks.
> > >Level 1: Use a raise on the to hit roll to ignore light armor
> > >Level 2: Ignore light armor damage modifiers
> > >Level 3: Use a raise to gain AP +1
> > >Level 4: Can use two raises to gain a total of AP +2
> > >Level 5: Use one raise to gain AP +2
> > >Greater Reward:  not sure.  Maybe something about no matter what the 
> > >or AP level, as long as any damage is done, even if it wouldn't 
> > >cause a wound, would infact cause at least one wound


Steve Crow

"Worm Can Opener Extraordinare"

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