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Re: [HoE] Kevlar (was Re: Templar Gift - Impressions?)

>Just as a note, Allan...is your first name Alan or Allan?  I would assume 
>'Allan' since that's what it says in your sig line.  But the Boise Horror 
>mentions you as 'Alan Seyberth" (??).

If you check, you'll also see it spelled Allen.  :-)

Actually, it's spelled Raye.

Allan is my middle name.
Allan Seyberth
Deadlands fan site - http://www.darious.com/deadlands/index.html

My freshly made cross, my freshly dug grave, 
I'm still a man but no longer a slave. 
     Scarf Jones, The Railway of Death.  (Burma-Thailand railroad, WWII)

Why did the chicken cross the road?

George Orwell:
Because Big Brother was watching to make sure that it did cross the road,
although in its heart, the chicken never did.