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[HoE] Kevlar (was Re: Templar Gift - Impressions?)

> >Now in real life kevlar works by spreading the kenetic force in an impact
> >over a larger area.  This works for any blunt force trauma like bullets,
> >unfortunately kevlar is not very effective against edged weapons.  That 
> >I use a house rule for kevlar that makes edged weapons more effective
> >against it. If an edged HTH weapon is used the armor becomes light armor 
> >the same level.
>Hey there - IIRC (I don't have my books with me right now) but Kevlar has a
>reduced effectiveness against hand to hand combat.

See!  I'm not the only "rule Nazi"!  :)  Someone else noticed it too...

Just as a note, Allan...is your first name Alan or Allan?  I would assume 
'Allan' since that's what it says in your sig line.  But the Boise Horror 
mentions you as 'Alan Seyberth" (??).

>Allan Seyberth
>Deadlands fan site - http://www.darious.com/deadlands/index.html


Steve Crow

"Worm Can Opener Extraordinare"

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