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Re: [HoE] Templar Book Questions....

Grimm wrote:
>I got a chance to look over the Templars book and I have a few questions on
>1.  Pg. 55 I think, a Templar is standing with a mechanical contraption on
>his back holding his sword and a shield, ok what is it?

Just a neat picture like bellow.

>2. I don't recall seeing anywhere about Templars using shields, anyone?

I my game the Templar does use a shield. Here's how I deal with it:
First: I added the skill Shield under Nimbleness.
Second: after an attack is made on the character with a melee weapon the
character must take a Vamoosing action (discarding the highest card they
have) and then making a Shield skill test with a TN of opponent's
Fightin':weapon skill + 1 for each Raise on the opponent's attacker roll.
Third: if the character succeeds on the roll then the opponent's attack is
blocked as if by 'cover' equal to the shield type (i.e. a wooden shield is
like a wooden door).
Note: I allow my Templar to block firearms only after his Shield skill was
raised to 6. Then the TN became 5 + skill + raises.

>3. Pg. 56 an impressive looking Anti Templar is standing there with looks
>be a Scythe. Anyone special or just an impressive looking Anti Templar?

Like the device it's just a picture.

>4. Anti Templars, Modeen seems to have the only relic ax amongst them. Are
>there no other relics about? I was thinking about maybe a Headman`s Ax from
>say the English museum from the Victorian days, or something along that
>lines, any ideas input or suggestions?

It said nothing about his ax in his description or history.


Christopher Merrill
W.H.A.T.T. Member