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Re: [HoE] Quick Doomie question
At 08:11 AM 11/27/99 EST, you wrote:
>I just got my hands on "Children of the Atom," and I have a fairly simple
>question as it is not mentioned in the book.
>If you take `Solomon Grundy' as a disadvantage, can't you negate some of the
>penalties by taking `Omega Man'? It's not specifically counted out in the
>rules, and one of my players was curious, so I figgered I'd ask.
>I realize this is a simple question ot answer, but I like to be able to keep
>my more munchkin-y players in place with a simple `NO' over `Well, that's a
>good question, I'm not sure...'
>The Ayahtollah of Rock-n-Rollah,
>Paul Zichichi: Munchkin Masher Extraordinaire.
>"The only difference between God and Adolf Hitler is that God is more
>proficient at genocide."
Way I've always played it: Omega man is a type of mutation. Grundys can't
be muties.