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[HoE] Syker Discussion Responses

More responses from my player Jesse Vanvalkenburg:

Alan Seyberth wrote:

> >on behalf of the whole Binghamton, NY "Razing Arizona" posse
> On a completely unrelated note. . .
> That's gotta be one of the coolest posse names I've heard of.
> :-)
Thanks (LOL), but I can't take credit - its not my fault! I tell ya them
Doom Priests and Syker's with Pyro keep burning or blowing up everything
we come across! :-)
-Jesse VanValkenburg

Prodigal wrote:

> > As for the 6
> > points in belongings that you question, yes it WAS 6. Do the math: 3
> > the gun and (at 100 per round) 3 more for 30 rounds.
> 30 rounds? Jesus!

30 rounds over a 13 year period is not a lot, and I bet you have way
more than 30 rounds for your character to use for your weapons. I agree
with MGK - I would never use them except if out of strain and fighting a
Syker or Doom Priest. Blasting their brains out with Syker powers is
lots cheaper than using the ammo. With 30 rounds the character has
enough rounds to last his lifetime in the campain. IMHO, it's far from
-Jesse VanValkenburg

Machine Gun Kelly wrote:

> > I don't feel
> > that's a lot of ammo for a gun you brought back with almost no
chance of
> > finding more ammo on earth.
> Hell, I agree *WHOLEHEARTEDLY* with taking 3 Belongin's points for 30
> gyrojets [might seem like a lot to keep over 13 years, but why pop off

> an expensive gyrojet unless you absolutely need to? Brain Blast might
> it as well as the TSAR's 5.56. I can see saving the gyrojets for truly

> deperate situations (like having no Strain left and you absolutely
> *MUST* make this kill shot.)] They're going to be damn near impossible

> to find on Earth [since only a few TSAR's were here.] Unless you want
> the Junker to make some and who knows how well *that* batch of ammo
> turn out.

Thanks, Kelly.  You seem to understand my style of  play. Even my first
Syker with a SAW and 5 belts of ammo never fired it in a year of play.
It wasn't unil we ran into a damn automaton that I used a whole belt.
Matter of fact another member of the party that had a SAW used a belt on
it too.  It kept right on coming. Save that ammo for when you need it.
Thats why you're trained to kill with a thought.
-Jesse VanValkenburg

Phil wrote:

> Me, I'd rather splurge for belongings 10, Get Machine head, and a
> customized car to use it with.
> Phil

That would be cool too, except our Marshal likes us to walk to keep the
play in the area of Arizona. Things like cars, bikes, and hovercraft all
tend to get shot up or blown up. Even horses go away quick, shot by
friendly fire or drowned in flash floods (or will be this week I bet
huh, Matt?). The car idea is cute and would be worth it if it stayed
- Jesse VanValkenburg

Damon Harper wrote:

> >While on the subject, what about other arcane backgrounds? I'm
> >Templars and Doomsayers won't exsist on Faraway (unless they somehow
> >travel there in an adventure like Devil's Tower which brought Weird
> >characters to the Wasted West which I'm sure is forthcoming), but I
> >could see how Junkers and Witches could be a "possibility".  Any
> >thoughts?
>   I agree.  Templars and Doomies are right out unless they
"Devil-Tower" it
> to Faraway.  I can definately see the Sykers and Cyborgs making it.
And I'm
> sure there will be chances to play rogue Anouks and/or Skinnies.   I
have a
> ton of theories and questions about Lost Colony, but I'm going to curb
> since the game is only about 8 months away.  (Assuming PEG still has
> one on-track.)
> -Damon Harper

I think Matt has a good idea on the limits of charcters as well. I see
it as Syker, old soldier, colonist, and maybe cyborg, too. Perhaps
renagde skinny or annouk as well. The other part of that is restricted
gear. The army pulled out and took all of their stuff. The Sykers felt
bad about abandoning them, that they left most of theirs, so you got
little in the way of guns I'd imagine. I would say except TSAR and maybe
SAWs for the squad support troopers in the sykers and lots of small
arms, like pistols. Should be tons of combat armor and other non weapons
stuff lying about because the sykers left that stuff, as well.  Should
be very interesting to see what they are doing with the Lost Colony
line, but like you said, its a ways off and a bit early to speculate.
Have a great day and I  look forward to more chats on other subjects.
- Jesse VanValkenburg

Matt again - hopefully Jesse will be getting on to the list himself
soon.  In the meantime, I'll keep passing things along to him.

Matt Steflik
Master of Wahoo
Gimme Shelter - http://www.geocities.com/grifflik/
(updated 11/27)