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Re: [HoE] Quick Doomie question

At 08:11 AM 11/27/99 EST, you wrote:
>If you take `Solomon Grundy' as a disadvantage, can't you negate some of the 
>penalties by taking `Omega Man'?  It's not specifically counted out in the 
>rules, and one of my players was curious, so I figgered I'd ask.

I already asked Hopler a bunch of Grundy questions. They ought to be in the
Accumulated Rulings, if not I still have the message somewhere. Anyway, I
asked Hopler this very question, and he said:

>> Nope.

>I realize this is a simple question ot answer, but I like to be able to keep 
>my more munchkin-y players in place with a simple `NO' over `Well, that's a 
>good question, I'm not sure...'

And before your players think of it, no, Grundies can't take major/minor
mutations, either (some of which are similar in effect to Omega Man). They
can't become Doomies, Templars, Sykers, Junkers, or Super Soldiers. They
can, however, be Greenies or Templar Companions.

Hmm. I forgot to ask if they could be Cyborgs. That... um, that'd be just