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[HoE] Chamber Initiate *and* a real jerk [OT]

(P.50 for those who want to reference it, Junkman


I bought Junkman Cometh as one of 3 new (to me) HoE
books less than a week ago. I'm reading the
"personality" of the Chamber Initate and couldn't help
notice "in meeting this Mr. McCallum...". AAAAH! 

Why? That name... my Computer Science teacher from
last year had that name. I hate him. Insisted that I
didn't know the material (he hated me becuase I came
into the class with programming experience) and failed
me accordingly. He blocked me from taking the AP
(college credit - giving test for taking very high
level high school classes) exam. By the time the
school got around to telling him that he was wrong and
that I should hae been allowed to take the exam, it
had been administered!!! I had to pay $40 on top of
the normal fee of $75 to take it, late, and a harder
test. And I still got a perfect score (5 out of 5) on

BTW, if you forward this to the OT list for discussion
- it shouldn't be discussed here, but I posted it here
since I'm not on the OT list and it was in a HoE book
- please let me know so I can re-sign up.

Phew... just had to get that out of my system.

Michael Shindler, ICQ #13820058
"One day, I will work with animals, all the tests I'm gonna do; All my stuff's completely natural, And when we're done, we'll boil 'em down for glue" http://members.xoom.com/martin_etc/links.htm
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