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Re: [HoE] Terrible Tremane?
Is there a good bit or just a paragraph?
--- Machine-gun Kelly <mgkelly@axom.com> wrote:
> > Has anything else been written about the
> disappearance
> > of Pres. Termane and AF1? May be worth getting the
> > book just to find out.
> Check out "Brainburners" for more info about what
> went on inside Air
> Force One just before it went down in the Rockies.
> MG5K
> --
> "The proctologist called. They found your head."
Michael Shindler, ICQ #13820058
"One day, I will work with animals, all the tests I'm gonna do; All my stuff's completely natural, And when we're done, we'll boil 'em down for glue" http://members.xoom.com/martin_etc/links.htm
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