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Re: [HoE] Faraway Syker Ponderings

>While on the subject, what about other arcane backgrounds? I'm thinking
>Templars and Doomsayers won't exsist on Faraway (unless they somehow
>travel there in an adventure like Devil's Tower which brought Weird West
>characters to the Wasted West which I'm sure is forthcoming), but I
>could see how Junkers and Witches could be a "possibility".  Any

  I agree.  Templars and Doomies are right out unless they "Devil-Tower" it 
to Faraway.  I can definately see the Sykers and Cyborgs making it.  And I'm 
sure there will be chances to play rogue Anouks and/or Skinnies.   I have a 
ton of theories and questions about Lost Colony, but I'm going to curb them 
since the game is only about 8 months away.  (Assuming PEG still has that 
one on-track.)

-Damon Harper
   "I only please one person per day.
    Today is not your day.
    Tomorrow isn't looking good either." -Scott Adams
<nomad74@hotmail.com> <ICQ 4297972>

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