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Re: [HoE] Something About a Sword - the EMP *SOME SPOILERS*
>[SPOILER SPACE FOR 'Something About a Sword...']
>>Anyhoo...so they deal with the muties pretty easily. And the final-battle
>>centipede, although fairly tough, ain't a great fighter either and isn't
>>really going to give them a whole lot of problems either.
> I'm running the same adventure for my posse, and we are about at the same
>point you are. My milage does vary- my worry is keeping a straight face
>about the EMP thing- I think my posse had forgotten about it.
> But the reason for my post is this: Why do you think the centipede thing
>won't be a problem for your posse? I mean, it does have an Armor for 4,
>IIRC. My posse's only hope is the Templar who has an obnoxious damage roll
>with his swords (he fights Florentine). Just curious, and exploring
First of all, given the EMP's 100 yard range, it's not totally clear if the
centipede might not be within range of the device if it is set off during
the Combot/Doombringer fight in the factory (the factory map lacks a scale,
unfortunately). While the factory itself might be the size of a football
field, I don't get the impression that the everything in or atop the factory
is 100 yards away.
So it's possible the group might hold off on the EMP and fight the combots
normally. Or they might activate the device in that battle, but not get to
the control room before the duration wears off on the paralyzed centipede
(How does the EMP affect Rosalita's hook-up, anyway? That's also not clear.
It's almost like the writers built up the presence of the EMP, finally
gave it to the characters, and then completely forgot it...)
Or you can assume the centipede has "military-grade shielding," of course.
That would be my assumption. Of course, that would be my assumption for the
Combots as well. So if every robot the group encounters in the "big finale"
is immune to the EMP device, and the EMP device (apparently) has no affect
on Rosalita, you kinda wonder why it's there...
However, basically the centipede's Fightin'/Brawlin' ain't that great (4d6).
Evanor provides AP for white chip expenditure, and the group has plenty of
AP ranged weapons. I imagine the basic strategy (from past experience) will
be to have the group's Templar engage the creature, while the rest hang far
enough back (a simple 5-15 yards) so that they're too close for its grenade
use, but close enough to use their AP weapons with minimum range penalties.
The centipede is big, but it can't move because it's protecting Rosalita.
With the Templar in HTH, that means the centipede is going to need around a
15 to hit on 4d6 (sword fightin' 5, Guardian Angel gift 5). I have 10 chips
going in, but most of them are white and even red/blue re-rolls may not
assure a hit.
The centipede also has only slightly-above average Quickness (3d8). Given
you've got 5 party members with at least that much, you can pretty much
figure it's going to have 2-3 cards (and therefore actions) compared to the
party's total of 12-20 cards/actions.
Note: Of course, I can fudge/alter/modify all of this. Give the centipede
an automatic five cards, boost its combat skills, make everything immune to
the EMP, etc. But my question is less "How do I do this?" then "What the
heck were the writers thinking and how have other folks handled this?" The
adventure is presented as fairly tough, tough enough to warrant extremely
exceptional awards. Yet the dangers of the adventure itself as written
don't seem to warrant this.
Let me quote from the review I did for Azrael On-line:
The last area that I have some problems with is the nature of the rewards
for this adventure. The sword, Evanor, is one very powerful piece of
cutlery. Even used as a simple sword, it's extremely potent. While its
Legend Chip ability (basically, kill any major supernatural opponent, even
unkillable ones, in two rounds) is impressive, it's lesser (and more often
used) white, red, and blue chip abilities are rather scary as well. I
suspect most Marshals will be very tempted to tone it down a bit.
On top of the sword, the authors are very generous in handing out Bounty
Chip rewards at the end of the adventure. This is a bit puzzling. The
rewards given as guidelines in the basic rulebook are equaled and then
enthusiastically exceeded. Something… is cited as a tough adventure.
However, as per my comments above, this is an extremely difficult call to
make sight-unseen. A party of Harrowed cyborgs may have very little problem
with this adventure.
Granted, this argument could be used against any reward, even the basic one.
Still, this seems like the kind of thing each Marshal would have to
determine for himself. It would perhaps have been better if the typical
award system had been adhered to, and Marshals left to tailor it to the
actions and difficulties their own groups may have had.
Plus…presumably the guidelines in the basic rulebook are to be used for
standard more-or-less balanced adventures. If the rewards here are higher,
that implies that the adventure is not balanced. So if it's not balanced in
the players' favor, how are they supposed to survive? Presumably the
Marshal needs to "tinker" a bit. In fact, there are a couple of areas where
suggestions are made for how the Marshal can tinker. But if the Marshal is
going to have to tinker to make the adventure balanced, then why give the
players unbalanced Bounty Chip awards? This makes for a somewhat oblique
>-Damon Harper
> "I only please one person per day.
> Today is not your day.
> Tomorrow isn't looking good either." -Scott Adams
><nomad74@hotmail.com> <ICQ 4297972>
Steve Crow
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