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Re: [HoE] Hopefully, constructive criticism (WAS Re: [HoE] Mason-Dixon Wall)
Doctor X Wrote:
>What got to me was the fact that a number of the items that are supposed to
>referenced in the Marshall's section come out to "See Lost Colony for
>Left me with a "Be sure to drink your Ovaltine" feeling.
I agree but I understand PEG's stand. I bought HoE right after GenCon and WW
right when it came out and as each new book came out I ercked me to see
those "See ______, coming soon," thing. But After being on this list and
hearing from Shane and Co. about how things are progressing and the fact
that the line is only a year old I can under stand. They don't do it to
promote the new product but to keep some mystery in what will come and the
fact they can't put everything in one book (Although when tried TSR did it
on CD-ROM I loved the idea, just wish they did it better).
>I'd like to have seen a little detail on some of the other areas as well.
>adventure that I'm writing now takes place in Wyoming, and the only thing
we have
>information on there is Devil's Tower. (Which, although there is a bit of
a recap
>of events, basically refers me to another book for a game that I don't even
>Be sure to drink your Ovaltine.)
I choak this up to the fact that the line is new and still being flushed out
book by book.
I do have one complaint...in Brain Burners they go into a good deal of
information on the Faraway War but it never mentioned the Cyborg units until
you get Cyborgs and find they lead the charges. There seems to be a few
thing like that, that slip through and end up making a mess to mesh later.
Christopher Merrill
W.H.A.T.T. Member