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Re: [HoE] Something About a Sword - the EMP *SOME SPOILERS*

[SPOILER SPACE FOR 'Something About a Sword...']

>Anyhoo...so they deal with the muties pretty easily.  And the final-battle
>centipede, although fairly tough, ain't a great fighter either and isn't
>really going to give them a whole lot of problems either.

  I'm running the same adventure for my posse, and we are about at the same 
point you are.  My milage does vary- my worry is keeping a straight face 
about the EMP thing- I think my posse had forgotten about it.
  But the reason for my post is this:  Why do you think the centipede thing 
won't be a problem for your posse?  I mean, it does have an Armor for 4, 
IIRC.  My posse's only hope is the Templar who has an obnoxious damage roll 
with his swords (he fights Florentine).  Just curious, and exploring 

-Damon Harper
   "I only please one person per day.
    Today is not your day.
    Tomorrow isn't looking good either." -Scott Adams
<nomad74@hotmail.com> <ICQ 4297972>

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