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Re: [HoE] Mutieborgs!
> Well, do recall, Cyborgs are called that cause they are metal with flesh. And
> it cant be dead flesh per say cause the flesh would deteriorate and no longer
> would he be a Cyborg.
Cyborgs are Harrowed that have implanted with cybernetic systems. Like
other Harrowed, they are, in fact, dead bodies that didn't stay dead.
The manitou powers their cybernetics as well as keeping the flesh and
tissue from rotting away and also regenerates it when damaged, just like
a regular, unaugmented Harrowed.
Others may be better versed in bilogy than I, but I had always taken it
that tissue would need to be fully alive to mutate [basing that theory
on what I have read.] Cyborgs are in fact dead bodies, so my personal
opinion is that they would not pick up mutations.
The radiation would affect their manitou or AI instead, which may very
well be worse if the manitou is drained bya die type or the can's AI
"The proctologist called. They found your head."