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Re: [HoE] Something about a Templar...
Doctor X wrote:
> New here, so I'll dive right in.
> Hopefully then he will be a bit more reasonable in the
> > future to avoid being placed into a similar situation.
> I've seen this go entirely the opposite direction, though.
And this sound like the sort of guy who would take it the wrong way.
> I missed the early part of this discussion, but it sounds like we're dealing
> with a combat monster who won't allow the Marshall to have any sort of plot
> or depth to the adventure. Fortunately, HoE provides the Marshall with
> quite a lot of Deus ex Machina to work with. This is a setting replete with
> radiation, psychic powers and supernatural horror.
I'm reminded of a Nexus adventure from somewhere. The basic Premise is a Mad
scientist build a "Paradigm wave form modifier" which shifts the local reality
paradigm away from what people find most useful. The end result is that any
skills the characters are good at (defined as having a skill at a certain level)
no longer work for that character, and they have to take default rolls for
them. To expand this into HoE, a junker has built a device originally designed
to weaken servitors and abominations so ordinary people could take them out.
Something happened along the way, the rekoners twisted it so it will work on
everyone. So it stops Doomies from aceesinging the glow, gunslingers from
shooting accuratly, and so on. This requires creative thinking on the posses'
spart, since they can't takle the problem the way they would normally.
Stick the device on a robot with AI (did I mention it doesn't affect AIs?) and
you have a villian the posse will really have to think about.
> Weaken him with rads,
> have a Syker alter his mind. I'm opposed to this sort of thing as a matter
> of course,
The toruble here is making sure he doesn't feel singled out. And if you weaken
teh whole party with rads, he's still the most powerful fo the bunch.
> but some people don't understand anything but a good, hard
> smack.
Same goes for their characters. :)
> On the subject of unused attributes and combat monsters, dealing with; did
> you know that Swimming is the single most overlooked skill in character
> creation?
I bet more AD&D characters have died crossing rivers than fighting dragons.
> > The GMs is always bigger...
> And he's always got more of them. Like I told a Star Wars group, "If you're
> gonna make a character so badass that only Vader even stands a chance, then
> guess what? He's just been cloned a million times, and they're all pissed
> at YOU!"
Vader shows up it the death star. As you start you trench run, you realise in
horror he has welded a metal plate over the exhaust port. Now what?
> >
> > Another Australian! How many of us are on this list?
> Does UN-American count? What if my parents MET in Australia?
Half points. :)
- doug -