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Re: [HoE] Re: [HOE] Something about a Templar...
Michael Garoni wrote:
> I have to wonder what the goal here is. If its to kill the character,
> then just kill him - have someone slit his throat in the night or use
> a big junker gun or whatever. The player will be annoyed regardless
> and will just make another character in the same way - trying to
> min-max the physical stuff.
I think the idea was the make him put himself into a situation where he
is badly wounded, but not killed.(something like a sniper going for
incapacitating shots, hoping the rest of the posse will come out and try
and save him) Hopefully then he will be a bit more reasonable in the
future to avoid being placed into a similar situation.
> If you want to show the player the weaknesses inherent in this type of
> min maxing, you need to force the character to use his weaker
> abilities. Hit the guy with situations that require Mein or Cognition
> tests - or whatever he is weak in. Send the party on a mystery
> solving adventure that has very little fighting in it, but relies on
> the often unused attributes. Find situations where other Edges would
> have been handy.
Investigative adventures make a good change of pace, even if you don't
do it to put problem characters in place. I find it harder to come up
with ideas for them though. And most pre-written investagative
adventures end up getting trashed, either from the posse having skills
not accounted for or by creative application of clues leading to the
adventure ending early.
Talking of investigation style adventures made me think back to an old
Call of Cthulhu "campaign". The GM was a very big fan of lovecraftian
heroics (ie: anyone who doesn't immediately run away will die, and those
that run will eventually go insane) We all took spot hidden at 95 so we
could find the clues, get to the next bit of the adventure and see how
quickly we could go insane. My record was one gaming session where I
went from a new character to fathering a new cthulhoid race before
meeting an elder god and going insane.
> Don't get into a "mine is bigger than yours" fight - all you'll do is
> prove the player right in his own mind.
The GMs is always bigger...
> Mike G - The Aussie Mike......
Another Australian! How many of us are on this list? I'm in sydney, as
is Nick (we tend to alternate GMing depending on who can be bothered to
run something) and I wonder how many other Non-American gamers there