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Re: [HoE] Something About a Templar...
> I'm running the 'Something About a Sword...' module with my current
>group, and today they are heading for Rock Springs.
> The problem is this: The Templar player has gotten quite a big head
>his munchkinous character. "Thick-skinned", "tough as nails" "brawny", and
>every other edge that has made him quite powerful.
> Munchkins never last long in my games (call it personal politics), but
>because of the nature of this character, and how his we played, I allowed
>him to stick around. However, the bragging and talking smack has gotten a
>bit out of hand. I was just wondering if any of you Marshals out there
>have any ideas on how to torture or kill (or maybe both) this Templar (or
>the very least, it's player <g>). Granted, I could do something
>like have a 2 million-ton boulder fall from the sky, but I want something
>special. Something that will make this guy feel silly for not thinking of
>this loop hole. Right now I'm looking through doomsayer powers, but like I
>said I'm looking for something with a bit more style and subtlety.
> Anyways, thanks for everyone's help.
Nuke. Nuke. Nuke some more... Save up a red chip or two and spend them on
the roll(s) Mathias makes in rock Springs.
Is there a Doomsayer in the Templar's group? If not, or even if there is,
having Mathias become a running nemesis of the Templar could be useful. If
the Temp doesn't have a friendly Doomsayer to kill the Doombringer for him,
he can keep getting nuked repeatedly over the course of many adventures.
Just make sure not to target the rest of the party as much as possible when
dropping Nukes.
Alternately if you like, fudge a bit and use MIRV instead.
That's all kinda built into SAaS... Non-damaging kind of traps and perils
are a good idea in general. Deep dark pit-traps that he can't crawl out of,
for instance... ;)
>-Damon Harper
> "Man, why can't they bring back or remake good shows
> like BJ and the Bear? Now there's a concept I can't
> get enough of: a man and his monkey."
> -Brodie Bruce, 'Mallrats'
><nomad74@hotmail.com> <ICQ 4297972>
Steve Crow
"Worm Can Opener Extraordinare"
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