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Re: [HoE] A Request from my Posse
I raised his english because he is a tin horn of sorts. ( actually I
"wasted" points on this during character creation.) He was a College
educated man before the war. A bit of a dilettante.
As for the equipment <chuckles> Actually it's not that much... I carried
more in the Army on a regular basis... But here is the break down.
Basket hilted Broadsword ( In baldric over his shoulder)
4 x .50 SA officer pistols ( One on each hip, one tucked in his belt and
one in a shoulder holster. He originally only had 2 but our gunslinger
died recently and no one else wanted them. So I took them since I already
had 2 and could use the ammo < the reason I have so much ammo. >)
148 .50 pistol rounds ( carries 50 in his gun belt. The others are
carried in his ruck sack or the saddle bags on the harley.)
MX boots ( AV: -4) ( feet)
Armored Duster ( AV: -4) ( worn)
Cowboy hat ( head)
Ruck sack ( usually on his back)
Kevlar vest ( AV: 2) ( worn under trench)
Mess kit ( rucksack)
50' rope ( hanging on the harley)
3 water purification kits ( one in his belt pouch, one in his ruck and
one in the saddle bags on the harley.)
2 canteens ( one on his belt, one on the ruck)
Watch ( Pocket) ( in his pocket < where else would you keep a pocket
Sunglasses ( on his face amazingly enough...)
3 pairs of hand cuffs (carries two pairs on his belt. the third was taken
from the afore mentioned dead gunslinger)
First aid kit ( on his belt)
.357 rugar red hawk ( yes. there is no ammo for this weapon... Haven't
any for it...Yet.) ( Tucked away in his saddle bags)
.50 SA Commando SMG ( usually slung over his shoulder. If not then across
the handle bars of the harley)
2 clips
.50 SA M-50 Sniper Rifle ( if the SMG is carried then this is on the
handlebars or the harley. If not slung on his shoulder. < in other words
he only carries one or the other..>)
2 clips
42 .50 rifle rounds in a bandoleer ( worn only if he carries the
Harley from Hell ( Yes THE harley from hell. from the lone biker of the
Apocalypse < HoE Wasted west pg 151>)
Michael wrote:
> --- Jeffery D Vogan <phelan@eriecoast.com> wrote:
> > Know: 3d8
> > Lang ( English) 3
> Gotta know: Was English native language? If so, why
> raise it past 2 unless yer a tinhorn?
> > Equipment:
> <snip>
> > Brother Jacob's "disguise" is story teller.....
> It's a cool character, and I'm sure he's fun to
> roleplay: but where do you store all the equipment?
> You may want to see what you can do about getting rid
> of some of the equipment you have in favor of 1) being
> able to move carrying your equipment, and 2) making
> sure your marshall knows that you really aren't a
> munchkin! [I'm *not* implying you are, btw]
> =====
> ---------------------------------------------
> Michael Shindler, ICQ #13820058
> "Your chair's broken" - "Jack"
> http://members.xoom.com/martin_etc/links.htm
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