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[HoE] Roller Derby

Hey.  Remember me?  The guy with the BMX rules questions?  In the Wasted
West book under "hockey stick", rollerblades are mentioned.  What's
everyone's take on these?  One of my players wants a pair.  So far,
here's my thinking:
Given a flat, even surface, the rollerblades can double a users max
pace.  However, on anything other than that (sand, rubble, stairs...),
they reduce the users pace to half of normal.  To put on/remove  the
skates, one action and a deftness roll (TN 3) is required per skate.  So
now onto the questions.
Should a specific...uh..."driving" skill also be required with these?  I
know I fell on my butt the last time I tried to use a pair.  Would use
of the roller blades create a modifier to hit/be hit/do damage in combat
in the right conditions (other than the modifier included under the
hockey stick)?  And after the user is going at a good clip, should they
have to roll something to stop? Any input would be appreciated.

Matt Steflik
Master of Wahoo
Gimme Shelter - http://www.geocities.com/grifflik/