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[HoE] revised edition rules in DL, what about HOE [PEG]
Rob K wrote:
> I looked over the rule changes in DL weird west, and wanted to know
> if people
> were going to adopt them for HOE. So first of all if you haven't seen
> em check
> out the PEG site, they're right on the fron page. So here are my
> questions:
> okay the new "no weapon speed" thing is cool, shotguns take a full
> action, as
> well as single action revolver. double action can shoot twice. ok
> makes sense,
> i like it. how does this work in HOE where automatic weapons are some
> character's bread and butter?
I showed the rule changes (downloaded from the PEG site) for Deadlands
my posse and they all just shuddered at this particular change. We
didn't like this concept at all, ESPECIALLY in considering automatic
weapons (hell, we don't even like double tapping). We're sticking to
the old rules (even for DL) in this respect. Quite frankly, we like the
weapon speed concept. It works for us, so we're keeping it.
> i really like the default skill rolls now, looks like it would work so
> nice, bu
> t does it mean that similar concentrations have only a -2 modifier?
Again, House Rules territory for us. We say an unskilled roll equals a
trait roll in the appropriate category divided by two. Related skills
are at -4. Period. End of story. Its how we've always handled it, and
again, it works well for us.
> night terrors got too weak, i think. the was a reason it cost 5 BP. I
> think
> i'll continue to use the old version
This, OTOH, we liked. The "spirit roll or lose your highest chip and
still have the dreams" is easier to keep track of. We're planning on
adopting this later. We also liked the changes to Luck o' the Irish and
Gift of Gab..makes it so you might actually want to take them.
> the new movement seems nicer too
The Jury is still out on this one...more of a "trying to teach old dogs
new tricks" problem than anything else.
> grit has become way to easy to get now, i like to make sure that grit
> is really
> tough to get in the game, so again I'm staying old school,
> legend chip after each adventure????? i dont' know about ya'll but in
> my game a
> legend chip is kind of like a "reset" button. in 3 adventures with my
> posse
> only one character got one.
I've always assigned grit (very sparingly) when I felt it was
appropriate anyway, so not much of a change there. Your right about the
Legend Chips, though. I don't like the idea of it being that easy
(especially for the storytellers...the papergirl in my posse is getting
way to good at lowering fear levels...she'd be swimming in them...forget
it) so we won't be using that change either.
So basically, I guess we're adapting a bit of it and canning the rest.
For whatever that's worth, I hope it helps.
Matt Steflik
Master of Wahoo
Gimme Shelter - http://www.geocities.com/grifflik/