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Re: [HoE] Re:Massive Damage
Darrin Bright wrote:
> At 12:28 PM 11/3/99 -0800, you wrote:
> >kevler
> >probably isn't much help from an explosion. (It would
> >help with
> >shrapnel though)
> >
> >I agree completely. Most of the time, it's far easier
> >to kill someone w/ a derringer than a stick of
> >dynamite. I've been contemplating using the BNW
> >system for massive damage (i.e. roll damage- wounds
> >are applied to EVERY part of the body.), to put the
> >fear of TNT back into my posse.
> Hmm. I *like* that idea a *lot*. But yeah, as written the rules for
> explosions/massive damage are a little too forgiving.
Apply the wound total to all locations, igonoring any armor short of full
enviromentental military grade special armor, which should be at reduced
effectivness (you still get shaken around a lot)
It will probably be neccessary to change the damage done downwards, otherwise
it will be too leathal. Maybe try halving the die type (so 3d20 becomes
3d10, 5d10 becomes 5d5 (you do have d5's don't you?)) and seeinghow that
Watch out for them nuke happy doomies....
> It depends on the
> explosive, but in general when something goes boom it isn't always the
> shrapnel that nails you, it's the compression wave. Stuff like your
> eyeballs and eardrums popping, and the system shock is just something I
> don't see armor helping a lot with. Well, ok, if you've got a tank around
> you, you should be fine,
Unless the tank is destroyed....
> but on the other hand, if a grenade goes off
> inside the tank, you're just dead. Period.
> Twilight 2000 apparently had
> rules for handling explosives that took compression waves and reflections
> into effect. Apparently it was a real bitch and actually involved cube
> roots *shudder*.
And people complain about junker maths. :)
There's always a trade off between realism and playability in RPG combat. I
prefer more playability than realism. I can't stand the thought of
rolemaster... having a 2 page spread for each weapon is just ridiculous.