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Re: [HoE] Syker Backlash

PEG should have made backlashes happen more often, sort of like hucksters, dont
tell me how, (that's their job) BUT not so nasty.
As stated long ago on this board, the Sykers are humans with extra powers for
"free", so everyone wants to be one (same for all AB's) So you end up with a
lame party of 2 sykers, 2 doomes, 1/2 templars a few Junkers  and maybe a
Roadwarrior, who will feel pathetic cuz he dont got anything special, the Rig,
well anyone can have a Rig!!

I dont have this problem, gladly for me I have a party that see the same
problems that i do. (If you want to know, my party has a Syker, a Roadwarrior, a
Tale-teller sort of man, and a Priest, not a temlpar, but your regular ol'
Mexican Priest)

Dont know what the 2 cents are but if this looks like it, it is then.


VCVet@aol.com wrote:

> In a message dated 11/1/99 1:36:34 AM Central Standard Time,
> baron11@netmcr.com writes:
> << And those backlashes are nasty, so even if they only
>  >come up once in 100 they're still scary. If backlash happened more often,
>  >sykers wouldn't last two sessions of using their powers. They'd die >>
> For anyone that's interested, I can send you the partially complete Backlash
> table I sent Shane during the pre-production read-thru of Brainburners.  Not
> as nasty (usually), but people know you're a syker and not just some bald
> dude (or dudette) after a couple of backlashes.
> Jay Kyle
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