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Re: [HoE] Marshall In Need of Some Good Evil Critters

Darrin wrote:

> I'm thinking "Demon City Shinjuku", with a bunch of homicidal
> three-year
> olds. Make 'em make a guts check everytime they cap a kid.

Ooh..I LIKE that!  Can't believe I didn't think of that park scene
before - gonna have to use it!

> Clowns have apparently been done... so... hmm. How about there was a
> "Motivational Speaker" Convention in the city/deadland when the bombs
> fell?

"You're just passing through.  Me? I'm STUCK here, living in a VAN down
by the RIVER!" :)

Seriously, though.  For  a couple source book suggestions, how about
blast shadows and lurkers?  Both types of critters tend to be hard to
spot until its too late, blending into the general creepiness of a
deadland city.

Matt Steflik
Master of Wahoo
Gimme Shelter - http://www.geocities.com/grifflik