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Re: [HoE] A Complete Review Of HoE

abdtoghill wrote:

> slap
> always had a problem with the spirit loss thing in cyborgs, one of my players
> built a tooled light can
> started with a 2d12 for spirit ended up with 1d4 (only cos he couldn't go no
> lower) first encounter of the adventure
> and big hard MR CYBORG was told by a little old lady to get out of her shop
> (test o wills overawe vs guts) so
> mr big hard cyborg broke and ran (gained a phobia of little old ladies) she
> managed to get 4 raises on him from 3d6 he rolled 2 avg. on d4 she rolled a good
> (on 3d6) 22, nah Cyborgs great npcs C*** pc's


Spend less money on cheesy weapons and get a spirit focus, take supernatural trait:

ALso start with 4sX in spirit, you don't lose as much.

I built  a light can, starting with 4d12 spirit and took it down to 4d8 (I didn't
take that much cyberware) and then took supernatural trait: spirit at level 2.
Never used the character, but he should have worked OK.

All cans have one real weakness:  Doomsayers!  EMP can disable them, and meltdown on
a heavy can is just

Spirit of 1d4 is really asking for it.  But then can's are supposed to have problems
with strange things... old ladies triggering flashbacks to rules of engagement,
etc.  Speaking of which he's never going to beat his AI with a spirit of d4...
