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Re: [HoE] A Complete Review Of HoE

Machine-gun Kelly wrote:

> > 7. Cyborgs
> More of a little bit of a view into life before the Last War. Harrowed
> are good. Cyborgs are better. "Infiltrators" and "Light Cans" work
> pretty well. "Drones" and "Heavy Cans" are extremely powerful. I'd use
> them as NPC's, personally. Their weapons and armor are extremely
> expensive and hard to come by, but they are Nasty. I'd rather take on a
> couple Automotons [solo, even] than one Heavy Can. "Drone"/"Heavy Can",
> good for high-power level games. "Infiltrator" and "Light Can", good all
> around. "Cyborgs" in general, great book.
> But, that's just my opinion, and I talk a lot....


always had a problem with the spirit loss thing in cyborgs, one of my players
built a tooled light can
started with a 2d12 for spirit ended up with 1d4 (only cos he couldn't go no
lower) first encounter of the adventure
and big hard MR CYBORG was told by a little old lady to get out of her shop
(test o wills overawe vs guts) so
mr big hard cyborg broke and ran (gained a phobia of little old ladies) she
managed to get 4 raises on him from 3d6 he rolled 2 avg. on d4 she rolled a good
(on 3d6) 22, nah Cyborgs great npcs C*** pc's

but that's just my 20p (two cents to you Americans)
