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Re: [HoE] A Complete Review Of HoE

Kirt Dankmyer wrote:

> >
> > My sole issue with the book is that Junkers alone usually require a
> > calculator to play.  The math, given what we are used to (ed. note, stress
> > the given what we are used to, not overall) is very advanced.  If this does
> > not bother you, then run with it.
> Eh. Addition, subtraction, division. High school algebra. I have to admit, the
> backlash against the math in the Junkers book I saw on this list got me
> thinking about how far the US high school education system has fallen. I could
> do it on paper if I wanted, tho I usually end up using a calculator to check
> the math. It's not much to ask to play something that can make permanant
> objects. Sure, it's more complicated than simple addition and subtraction,
> which is what's involved with most of the Pinnacle stuff, but adding
> *division* and *fractions* is not that big a jump.
>         -Loki

When I first read the Junkers book I was impressed with how easy it was to work.
But then, our entire posses is people who have dropped out of Uni at some point,
and after learning Higher Complex Analysis Junk Man cometh is ridiculously easy.

On a slightly related not, does anyone at Pinnacle have a background in statistics
or something similar?  I find the general system to be very well designed and
