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Re: [HoE] Multiple Arcane Backgrounds
Tim Boser wrote:
> I've got a player who wants to take multiple arcane backgrounds (In this
> case, Doomsayer and Junker). It's a cool character idea, but I'm not sure
> that this would be a good idea, game wise... I think it would be too much
> power...
Tell him to forget about the Doom junker and go for a Cyborg Junker Greenie if
he want to be super-powerful.
I wouldn't allow it, not only because it's against the "one AB" official rule
but because it would unbalance the posse. If you want to run a super-HoE
campaign thats fine, but you have to make sure teh rest of the posse wont be
eclipsed by him. Our posse has a templer/greenie who verges on being the
Ultimate One-Man Death Machine (though to be fair, a lot of this is due to
consistant good rolling on the players part... he has an inate ability to roll
high in any game system. While people watch closely. With any dice. Except
when he GMs Feng Shui...) and a Doomie Junker would, IMO, be a lot worse.
If you do decide to go with it for whatever reason, make sure you limit it in
some way so he is never as good as a full Junker/Doomie.