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Re: [HoE] Re: Templar Observation
> > But just to clarify, it never got _quite_ to the point where the Templar
> > actually stepped aside and let the Servitor have his way.
> >
>Okay, that makes a *WHOLE* lot more sense. Sometimes it sounded like he
>was just standing out of the way and letting the Servitor run amok.
Well, that's what he stated he _would_ have done. Again, the situation was
basically (he felt) that the only way to defeat the Servitor was taken from
him. You can't defeat a Servitor permanently otherwise. His choices were
giving up his life in a pointless, unwinnable fight (whether right then and
there, or going back to the nearby community and doing so then), or leaving.
Now his point was (and I'd have to agree) that Templars do consider
themselves valuable enough that they're going to throw themselves away for a
pointless goal. They consider themselves too valuable.
> > Well, I suggested it, so I'm glad we're in agreement. :) My only
> > is...well, he didn't actually get around to doing it. As such, it seems
> > me like the Greater Reward deprivation (but with the eventual chance to
> > redeem himself) and the Night Terrors are better, because they're more
> > accurate reflections of what the Saints and the Templar's own
> > know were in his heart, rather than what he actually, physically did.
> > that make sense...?
>Makes sense to me. Deprive him and give him Night Terrors until you feel
>that he's learned his lesson. Then give him the Greater Reward. Just to
>be fair about things.
My only concern there is that Night Terrors sn't that much of a problem for
Spirit-types like Doomsayer and Templars. Of course, I can mess with the
TN, but still...
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