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Re: [HoE] Templar Observation

> Rather 
> than wait another round or chip in to help himself or draw a bit more fire, 
> his plan was to step aside and invite it to go off after his comrades.

He *wanted* it to go after his friends?! What the Hell is this guy
thinking? Does he know what "teamwork" means? 

> Now, this was basically a kinda dumb plan, but it wasn't totally 100% clear 
> she was innocent 

Ummmmm...little kid? Not innocent? Did she murder someone or something?

> and this person plays a rather...stern Templar, shall we say, 
> who takes a rather narrow view of innocence

Did the child prove that she didn't deserve to live? That's why Templars
walk around in disguise. So that people won't be on their best behavior
and they can see if people will cheat them out of the food they earned
for work, shoot them on sight because they look like a mutie, et cetera.
I'm willing to bet that the kid didn't. Throwing rocks at someone isn't
a reason for them to die.

> and Boise is a long way 
> away even if this were totally out of line for Templar behavior.

But Simon *will* find out he *abandoned* his posse. And was willing
(probably even in Simons' eyes) to let an innocent kid die. The *kid*
wasn't responsible for what the Servitor was making her do while she was
possessed. It may take a while for word to filter back to Boise, but it
will happen. Also, it isn't just Simon that decides that a Templar has
broken his Oath. Other Templars will seek him out and ask why he did
what he did. If they feel it's severe enough, they'll take him back to
Boise. If he resists or attacks the questioning Templar, he'll most
likely be blacklisted. If it's obvious that he broke the Templars' Oath,
the questioning Templar is *obligated* to kill him. This is the Oath of

> But anyhoo, it sounds like SeanMike's is one confirming voice for "screw 'em 
> over."  I'm just kinda curious to know if other folks think the approach I 
> suggested is too outrageous. I'm sure the player will think so...  :)

Screw him over six ways from Sunday. From what I've read, it sounds like
he deserves it. Have him read "Last Crusaders" again and see if he can
try to figure out what it means to be a Templar. If he feels screwed,
well, that happens. Tough monkey snot.

And, Steve, you truly are the "Worm Can Opener Extrordinare" ;]

"Justice, not Mercy!"