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Re: [HoE] Templar Observation
>Now the rest of the group succeeded despite his "help," so the
>I would normally lay on (like the Servitor hunting down the dope and
>him first, or wasting a few hundred people) weren't available. The other
>players are (perhaps understandably) somewhat reluctant to kick his
>character out over what could be construed as good role-playing. And in a
>sense, it was, if you proceed from the player's basic misunderstanding of
>the situation. You can't take away Templar Gifts, and Boise is a long way
>away even if this were totally out of line for Templar behavior.
Oh, one other penalty/disincentive would be drawing for cards as per the
Wasted West companion book, to see if he gets closer to becoming a Death/War
Servitor himself.
I already drew, and didn't get the necessary card. Now, I'm _also_ tempted
to maybe give him a Death-type mutation anyway. But that kind of thing is
Marshal-stuff. So while it would no doubt be fun turning him into a vulture
or whatever, that doesn't really convey a "message," shall we say? And
thus, it isn't much of a disincentive.
Still, maybe a minor, obnoxious "normal" mutation (I'll save the Doomsayer
Major Mutations for later... :) ) along with a visit from Stern passing on
a message from his fellow saints about the loss of the Greater Power (Stern
himself being okay with the whole "Yeah, sacrifice the innocent girl to kill
the Servitor thing just because it's the quickest, easiest option"
approach), might do the trick.
Still too outrageous? Let me know.
Steve Crow
"Worm Can Opener Extraordinare"
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