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RE: [HoE] Re: A thought on Population

Well it may not sound right, with my thoughts of a bigger population. But
as someone said, it's up to each and everyone's campaign. And i want more
people therefore there are more people, voila!

And as for the money thing, i think i will use that too. may be wrong, may
be right, but i want it, I get it. Also i dont think it will make my
campaign much different, cuz there will be as many badasses as before,
weapons and ammo are still scarce, now that there will be more people
wanting them : )

Thanks for giving me something to ponder about anyway! 
But if the ideas really screw my campaign up ( not likely ) I'll tell ya!

//Ragna "The Stuborn Norwegian" Rok

> Fra: Don Schniepp <dschniepp@ldd.net>
> Til: hoe@gamerz.net
> Emne: Re: [HoE]  Re: A thought on Population 
> Dato: 7. september 1999 14:01
> I'm jumping in at the tail-end of this discussion and I pretty much agree
> with what Jay wrote.
> I just think it's kind of funny that we are trying to guess how big the
> population is while there are 4 Horsemen of the Apocolypse
> through the world.  :)))
> Don S.
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