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Re: [HoE] assorted

>That said, how scarce do y'all make bullets?  I know in my game they are 
>not at all easy to get.  My PC in HoE uses strain before bullets cuz he can 
>get back strain.  am I being too stingy?  I was of the impression that you 
>just don't use guns unless you have to cuz the bullets are so rare.  I was 
>figuring that finding 50 bullets is a whopping gold mine.
Probably not. But, it wouldn't hurt to let them find more bullets. Why ?
Because its frustrating as hell to be running around with a shotgun, only to
find 5.62 slugs and then wonder if you should leave them or bring them with
you, and if you do, where are you gonna keep them ? With all the different
concentrations and gun /ammo types, you could probably let them find more
ammo, just vary the types and watch the posse pull their hair out in trying
to decide what to keep.

>Am I being too stingy here?

Yes, but only if the group doesn't have a Junker. At least, that's how I
figure it.

Seth Graves