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RE: [HoE] assorted [HOPLER]

> >Now the Templar is a unbalanced I'd say from experience! having a
> >character who specialises in a sword, investing his 4D12 he pulled in
> >strength, with a fightin': sword AND florentine of 5 (also D12), plus
> >inner strength of 2, means he's gonna hit most of the time, and
> then do an
> >average of 38 points of damage against an unarmoured opponent is
> just too
> >overpowering! now you could say well armour up the opposition, but then
> >how many have AV4 to stop all his damage, AV3 will reduce it to
> an average
> >of 31, but that'll still seriously injure anything of human
> size! now what
> >disadvantages do Templars get for using their powers, NONE, the Myrters
> >yup, but you can still have a very effective templar without any of em!
> >you could say that the powers are lesser, but then they still get NO
> >disadvantages!
> the thing about this is anyone with a sword can theoretically do that.
> anyone.  it ain't just the Templars who can fight Florentine or
> with swords.
> The other stuff (laying on hands ect) I have already covered.

I'll support that. In the camapign I'm running, I have an Indian brave with
a very large axe. He cuts through walking dead like butter and he has NO
arcane background. Granted, the second time he met up with them he failed
his Guts check and was a quivering mess. :) But when he's capable, I'd put
him up against a Templar any day and watch him clean up.
