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Re: [HoE] Strain Usage (Hell or High Water spoilers)
>We must be playing very different games then. In the last two adventures,
>my syker and
>the party doomsayer have nearly run out of Strain three or four times each!
>Granted we are pretty bloodthirsty when it comes to fights, but these were in
>published PEG adventures, not some home-brew bloodbath. ;-)
well, all styles are different. plus both Sykers are Faraway Sykers. as
for the Doomies, well one is not really a fighter, one prefers intimidation
to violence, and one is more-or-less a hippie, so they are all odd.
My game (with the Hippie Doomie and Faraway Syker#2) first went through
your fine Hell or High Water adventure (and ran from the first Gater
fight...intelligent move, that) and to be Honest the Templars are the
killer characters in that (one has worked his way to requiring a 17 to be
hit in H2H combat when not Dodging) so that adds to it. :-)
Don't worry they are in a Deadland now so its all ok.