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[HoE] I got it (again)!

On the subject of anime inspirations for HoE, CypherSCA listed:

> Battle Angel (for the cyborgs)
> Gaiarth (for nasty ideas)
> Eat Man ( for the humor)
> MD Geist (for Cole Ballad behavior)
> Armitage (for nasty cloning ideas and more cyborgs)
Here's a few more:
A Wind Called Amnesia (Post Apocalypse setting...some good ideas to
Fist of the North Star (ditto...neat road warrior gangs and gang
Lily-C.A.T. (an Alien/Thing rip-off, but still a neat critter idea, as
well as the C.A.T. itself...definite possibilities)
Rojun Z (because I'd love to attack a posse with a sentient junker
hospital bed...O.K., this one's a  a bit of a   stretch...but then
again, maybe not...hmmm.)

One last thing.  The Battle Angel Alita comic which can now be purchased
in graphic novel form from most bookstores (in several volumes) is
REALLY good source material - the anime movie is good too, but it covers
only a very small part of the story.  Can't say enough good things about
it.  Great art and a  great read if nothing else.

Matt Steflik