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[HoE] JunkGuyver Thoughts

The wise Rick Ranallo wrote:

> Well, one way to go about it would to peruse the Thaumaturgical Diffusion
> booklet from the City o' Gloom boxed set.
As did the thoughtful Chris Merrill:

> If they want the MacGuyver Junker I'd hand them Thaumaturgical Diffusion
> from the City o' Gloom and tell them to play a Huckster/Junker.

    Ah, thank you gentlemen!  I knew there must be a few brave souls out
there that would deign to discuss this concept with me.  Some excellent
thoughts from both of you.  Well, you both seem to agree that I need to
check out this "Thaumaturgical Diffusion" thing.  My "Weird" West
library unfortunately amounts to exactly nil - played it a bunch, but
never ran it and don't own anything.  I'll have to ask my players if
anyone has it, and take your word for it in the meantime.  Sounds
intriguing.  Huckster/Junker, though?  Hmm.  I dunno, Chris.  I'll be
honest -  the whole Huckster background/Junker thing makes me cringe.
Or, perhaps are you just implying the use of some hexes?  On rereading
your post that seems like what you're saying. Guess I'll need to look at
the Hexslingers(?) book as well.
    I must state again, to Rick, Chris and the list at large, that by
exploring this particular avenue, I am by no means implying that I have
a problem with the Junker concept, and I understand that Junkers aren't
designed to be "MacGuyvers".  I rather like Junkers the way they are,
and appreciate the strengths and weaknesses of the system - thank you
very much.  By reading several postings, I merely identified that there
was an apparent desire for a character of this type, and therefore
wondered what the best way to fill this need was.  Like I said before,
as a GM, I like to keep the players happy (when I'm not making them run
for their lives). Thanks again for the input, guys - any other takers?

Matt "insert appropriate witticism here" Steflik