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Re: [haggis] Trade limits
On Tue, Jun 22, 2004 at 08:44:20AM -0400, Flig@aol.com wrote:
> In a message dated 6/22/2004 8:33:18 AM Eastern Daylight Time, swift_4@yahoo.com writes:
> > > flig writes:
> > > META: I can say that I'm getting a little less
> > > enamored with haggis. This seems to be a game that
> > > doesn't work well as pbem, since if you're not
> > > around for game start, you're not going to do much
> > > to catch up. The beauty of pbem is the fact that
> > > you can take your time to move with most games (ww
> > > is a stretch, but it seems to work most of the
> > > time). Not sure how this can be fixed; perhaps make
> > > it so that you can't make a trade until everybody
> > > has had a chance to offer something up?
> >
> > I still think one trade per day will help.
> It might help, but I don't like the # trades per time limits. The problem there is that if you take the first thing offered, you might be hurting yourself because a better offer came later in the day. I'd be tempted to wait until other offers were made; and this would discourage trading.
> Preventing trading until everybody has made an offer at least gives everybody a chance to see what's available. Granted, the last person to make an offer would get first choice of taking an offer, so perhaps this does reward the slowpokes?
One thing that may help a little is a limit on outstanding offers, maybe 3. We could force the player to withdraw one before he can do a new one, or auto-withdraw the oldest.
Then, perhaps we can require a chat-only period before trades can be completed. Maybe everybody must contribute an offer before any trades can go through. That way, we don't have time-defined
periods (although we can set a time limit during which the laggard gets nagged, and after which trading starts). This would get us back to the pbem-nature of a game.