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[haggis] changelog for 2004-06-21

* Offers can use abbreviated card names, down to whatever makes the name you're offering unique among the card types.
* Offertarget of "all" preserves comments, even in a no-message game.
* Changed all randomizing of lists to use the "shuffle" command from List::Util
* Changed basic value cards to range of -1 to (#carddefs + 1)
* (since zero is now a valid card value, fixed a bug where a "multi" rule was saying "pear is equal to a pear plus an apple").
* fixed bug on line that makes certain rules "rare"
* made it so lowball cannot be chosen (easy to undo)

comments on #3 above:

I was starting to have doubts that the werewolf/haggis method of randomizing a list (is it used in the other c++ games) was not truly random.  After reading about it in "Perl Cookbook" and then 
testing, I found that it's not.  The "shuffle" command works just fine.