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RE: [haggis] Rule leaking in chat


Does your opinion depend on whether or not the rule is tradable by the

I.e. should I be able to leak a rule which I cannot trade?

I know a prohibition against that is unenforcable, but I'm curious as to
whether or not we have a consensus.


> lyman writes:
> Let me be more specific about what I consider an "indirect" 
> communication of a rule and maybe people can state opinions about the 
> ethics.
> For purposes of illustration let's say that the rule I was trying to 
> convey was:
> Rule 101: A red is worth 7 points.
> I was intending to trade a rule I did have.
> Rule 102: A blue is worth 5 points.
> I would trade rule 102 to the recipient and then say on the open chat 
> line:
> Rule 101 says is the same as Rule 102 except that the target color is 
> red and the pont value is two higher.
> I realize that this leaks information to some other people, but you 
> can imagine a more sophisticated exchange.  I think we can stop short 
> of full blown public key cryptography.

I have no problem with this.

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