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Re: [haggis] basic card values
On Tue, Jun 15, 2004 at 10:03:53AM -0500, Ted Rathkopf wrote:
> How about throwing in a couple extra (slightly redundany) rules about
> basic card values.
> Right now, everything seems to be tied to the value of one particular
> card. If you don't know the base value of that card, you may know the
> value of everything relative to that card, but not the actual value.
> How about having some other absolute value rules generated based on
> the base value and the relative values.
> For instance if you have:
> 1) titanic is worth 2 points
> 2) lusitania is worth 4 more than titanic
> Have it generate and deal out
> 3) lusitania is worth 6 points
> Then you have some redundant rules that you DON'T want to waste trades
> on, and you also don't give a big advantage to the guy who happens to
> get the base rule. Having 2 of the above 3 rules is just as good as
> having all three of them.
I do want to do that, but I'm having trouble coming up with a good algorithm for creating the values and rules. Also, I want to combine basic rules so we don't reserve one for each card type. I'd
dearly love to have "green is worth a blue plus a red and is 2 more than an orange" as a basic rule type. But I don't want it to be obvious to the coder(s) how a rule came about, tipping the other
rules' features.
Right now, I just say "pick a basic card, any card" and assign it a base value. Then, I assign relative values to all of the other cards, with the possibility of addition or multiplication.
I guess I can say there is an x% chance that "blue = 3"/"red = blue + 2" can become "red = 5" instead. But if anybody can come up with a niftier way of assigning basic values, I'm all ears.