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[haggis] basic card values

How about throwing in a couple extra (slightly redundany) rules about
basic card values.

Right now, everything seems to be tied to the value of one particular
card.  If you don't know the base value of that card, you may know the
value of everything relative to that card, but not the actual value.
How about having some other absolute value rules generated based on
the base value and the relative values.

For instance if you have:

1) titanic is worth 2 points
2) lusitania is worth 4 more than titanic

Have it generate and deal out

3) lusitania is worth 6 points

Then you have some redundant rules that you DON'T want to waste trades
on, and you also don't give a big advantage to the guy who happens to
get the base rule.  Having 2 of the above 3 rules is just as good as
having all three of them.

Ted Rathkopf