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Re: [DL] New Marshal New Posse - Minor Spoilers

  I want them to have respect for 
> combat,  but not be so affraid they absolutly dread it.  

Limit them to one chip of each color per wound, they might be willing to 
get out of the fight with a few wounds to make them think about other 
ways of solving problem rather then spend thier reds and blues.

  Any suggestions on making characters a little more
> survivable.  
> I was thinking of give one or two extra wounds per location.
Give them a free advantage, "Larger then Life" add 2 to size so that it 
takes 8 points of damage to inflict a wound on a player rather then make 
them feel in destructable with extra wounds. If they act like scum, tell 
them thier falling to live up to the herioc status "Larger then life" 
requires and drop the bonus down by one, the'll get the idea.
As the game goes on and you punch up the danger level a bit, start adding 
their level of grit to the bonus to reflect their growing fame and status.

Don't forget that villian that you want to get away and return to plauge 
the players should get to be "Larger then life" as well.

> - Too keep the characters advancing and keeping my longevity goals in
> mind 
> above how much bounte should a typical session had out?  I don't want
> to get 
> too powerfull to fast.

you might want to hand out enought chip during the game to about equall 
how many are being spent, with the difference added in to the bounty, 
unless they spend all their chips pulling thier asses out of trouble they 
got themselves into.

 I plan on faking them out for a 
> while.  Introducing some "zombies" the locals fear only to find out
> they are 
> drugged living people like in the book "Serpent and the Rainbow".  Any
> tips 
> on how to slowly introduce the mystery and keep them guessing.  

Have the drug animateing them give off a non-zombie smell like ginger or 
mint to make em think it ain't undead.
Have some one show off a dead one with salt sown in their mouths and 
claims that only after the salt was sewn in did the corpse stop moving ( 
even after multiple gun shots) to make them think they are zombies ( and 
can't be killed except by salt in the mouths)
Have the bad guy have a habit of ranting at the zombies so that they pick 
up select words to chant while they slowly stalk toward the party, such 
as "dammmmmm you black tommmmmmm".
Once they get nervous about staggering moaning undead, send in a drunk 
stumbling home in the dark.("what the hell you shooting at you dam fools")