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Re: [DL] Help request with campaign concept

Sir Hampton: Today I will be giving interviews for my botanical 
expedition, since my travels will often take me into area filled with 
wild animal and hostile native, I will be hireing some native guides, 
outdoormen, in addition to a photographer to document the espedition and 
a mechanic to operate and repair my steamwagon transportation.
Roleplayer PC: Botanical expedition, I thought this guy was a big game 
Munchkin PC: Yeah, killing plants. I'm in.

The above would provide for a varity of players archtypes, Muckraker, Mad 
sciencetist, gunslinger, Natives etc... 

You might want to alter the nature of the contest were they get more 
points for bring in critters live (providing for senarios in which things 
get loose), and less for documentation of the exsistance of things which 
get away (or leave no remains to be collected).

If both groups have a specific list of some or all of the creature that 
might be collected, you could have both groups showing up in the same 
area after the same critter.

One thought that springs to mind is what if the English lord has 
alternative motives for gathering a large number of dead horrors all in 
one spot, the movie 13 ghosts might provide some inspiration.

> The first adventure would likely have to be the 'recrutiment drive' to
> draw the PC's into the mess.  However, open auditions would likely be a
> bad thing, considering the unwanted attention it would invite from the
> Agency/Pinkertons, and/or the Texas Rangers (we do, however, have a
> Ranger PC who might join either group 'undercover').  I'm wondering if
> there'd be a way to do such an audition under a 'cover' of some kind,
> or if there might be a better (or other ways) to pull this off.  
> Erm... help?
> Brian