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RE: [DL] The dead of Deadlands?

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-deadlands@gamerz.net [mailto:owner-deadlands@gamerz.net]On
Behalf Of Munther, Sven


But I still do not think that Deadlands has a future without printed core
rules. Nor that MEG can make a viable business out of new Deadlands
supplement, if the game store cannot supply core rules.

I believe in adventures in PDF format, maybe new source books in PDF format
(no, not really), but core rules and campaign settings should be on paper.
They should be beautiful, hardcover and mood setting. They should not be an
inkjet print in a binder.


I understand this post/point, and agree with it to a limited extent.
However, with the d20 glut, combined with the tight budgets among my gamers,
the free Deadlands Player's guide has been a god-(shane?)send.

I can't afford to get more than one copy of any one book, and my players
frequently use their cash to purchase 'support' for the games - minis, dice,
food (GMs eat free, for the most part), and such.  Thus, character
generation and basic rules learning takes away from valuable and limited
gaming time.

Now, my players are either downloading the PDF themselves, or, if they don't
have internet access, getting a copy from one of us (sorry, Shane - Anyone
who can, registers with RPGnow and downloads, but for a few guys, it's just
not an option).  Thus, everyone has a copy of those rules, and if they want
a splat book at hand - they can get one.  n fact, we're gonna talk at this
Friday's game about ordering some of the Shane's packages, so that the guys
that want just one splat can split with the others.  Our debate is to travel
to our FNSLGS and ordering the package there - the owner, while willing to
order anything, doesn't like stocking anything that isn't new, or d20 -
thus, our creating more deadlands traffic won't create more orders out of
the store for Shane.

Anyway, the PDF gives all the players a copy of background and char-gen
info, while supporting sales of extra/splat books.

Now, the other side is that, with the release of SW, plus Shane posting the
Deadlands-to-SW conversion in the near future (today?), means that people
can purchase his new rules, and if they like the setting, pick up splat
books from there.  :)

Shane, if you're reading this thread still - do you have shelves/cabinets of
old submissions, etc that never saw the light of day?  I figure with your
high standards of quality, you prolly got stuff taht was "okay" but not up
to what you wanted to spend time, money and market bandwidth on publishing -
well, can you give some thought to publishing some of that stuff under
another banner/masthead, in a PDF format?  Maybe have a freelancer buddy
edit it into usable format, and send it out?  At least it's new traffic -
and with RPGNow, at least it'll get browsed, which it may not on a store
shelf?  And if we (the fans) create enough traffic on discussion boards and
such about the product, you'll get some sales out of it?

My two pennies worth,


Standin' on the gallows with my head in the noose,
any minute now I'm expectin' all Hell to break loose.
People are crazy and times are strange.
I'm locked in tight and I'm outta range.
I used to care, but things have changed.
--Bob Dylan "Things Have Changed"