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[DL] naval battling

> --- John Vogel <velvetandiron@yahoo.com> wrote:
> > Does anybody know of a good naval game (Civil war era,
> > monitors, casemates, etc.) that might easily be
> > converted to the DL milieu?  My group does a lot of
> > miniatures battles, and we'd like to get into some DL
> > naval stuff.

Actually now that I think about it, Full Thrust would probably work great in
a Savage Worlds genre.  If you haven't heard of it, Full Thrust is a
"generic" space naval battling system.  The thing is, when they put it out,
players wanted more of a cinemagraphic feel for the ship manuvuering, so the
game plays more like a wet navy rather than a space navy.  I even don't
think it'd be that hard to convert the "space" ships over to Civil War
ships--heck, you have hit points for the ships, thresholds of damage that
can affect the ship's performance, guns that can have varying arcs of fire,
"spacecraft" that could be changed to be autogyros or ornithopters.... about
the only thing you would not need is the FTL stuff.

Jeff S