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Re: [DL] Salty Sailor Talk

>  They were low-down, two-bit, cotton-pickin' horn-
swogglin' goldurned sons o'
>  bitches or varmints - is there anything else to 
add to that list?  I mean,
>  of course there is.
>  Wishkah

 low-life, thoroughly disreputable person.
reprobate. "He's a mean ol' rip."
Dang: Damn
to manage by trickery or sharp practice; often 
applied to a card-sharp. 
 Something that is untrue, false, or not to be 
believed, someone that is dishonest, tricky, or 
deceptive, though usually not cruel or dangerous 
 to be cheated, outdone, or made a fool of. 
Ignoramus: an ignorant or stupid person. 
 a scoundrel or impertinent rogue. 
Knuck: A thief 
No 'count:
 " Of no account," i.e., shoddy, run-down, worthless. 
Base, cantankerous, coarse, common, cranky, 
irritable, mean, and stubborn. 
 A person who betrays important values or who has 
caved in under pressure to do the wrong thing
Tarnation. Used to indicate surprise, shock, 
displeasure, or censure. 
A boorish, brutish, uncouth, uncultured person or, 
more generally, any person referred to in a 
disparaging manner
and of course "Yellor" ~ coward, yellow.