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Re: [DL] PEG Pony Express
Hi all,
We're having some trouble with our UPS software and the orders are delayed
(long story--no phone lines at the warehouse). Most orders have already gone
back out via USPS, a few have to wait until Monday.
Sorry all! Big favor--but please don't bombard me with questions about
orders. If you haven't seen it by the end of next week, then you can get
riled. ;) Otherwise, lemme get a little actual editing done so I can get
Goff's incredible Black Circle out the door.
In a message dated 2/2/2001 4:33:48 PM Eastern Standard Time, jea2@c-cor.com
<< Anyone start getting their stuff from the PEG site yet? I'm within 6 hours
driving distance to PEG, and my shipment went out last Friday, but nothing
yet. : ( Hopefully, today is the magic day. The credit card would have
squawked if I put the wrong address.
Maybe banditos robbed the Pony Express. Or the South has a blockade in
place against shipments north of the Mason-Dixon Line.
"Ornithopter, when it absolutely has to be there overnight"
--Joel >>