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Re: [DL] PEG Pony Express
Hey, not a problem Shane,. Thanks for the update. That's why we like you
better than Cybergames. You keep us in the loop!
It's just that I've very recently moved from No. Va. to Central PA, and
there was a good chance that I failed to get an address changed or used the
previous address, and since the USPS hasn't forwarded a single thing since
I've moved, except for the confirmation that I set up a forward.... Blah
Blah Blah.
I'm just happy to know that things are on the way.
BTW, since I'm supposed to be marshalling a new campaign next weekend, and
that Shane doesn't have anymore Marshall Guides in stock, and my FLGS does,
I hope that no one will be upset if I pick one up from there as a backup to
the Leather-Bound edition on order. I would like to keep the leather one in
Mint Condition, and use the regular one for the weekly game.
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-hoe@gamerz.net [mailto:owner-hoe@gamerz.net]On Behalf Of
Sent: Friday, February 02, 2001 4:43 PM
To: deadlands@gamerz.net; hoe@gamerz.net
Subject: [HOE] Re: [DL] PEG Pony Express
Hi all,
We're having some trouble with our UPS software and the orders are delayed
(long story--no phone lines at the warehouse). Most orders have already gone
back out via USPS, a few have to wait until Monday.
Sorry all! Big favor--but please don't bombard me with questions about
orders. If you haven't seen it by the end of next week, then you can get
riled. ;) Otherwise, lemme get a little actual editing done so I can get
Goff's incredible Black Circle out the door.