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Re: [BNW] BNW background

From: Steve Crow <crow_steve@hotmail.com>

> An interesting point, and one you can use for BNW vis a vis the "origins"
> Delta powers and Alpha gradations that the other gentleman (not Malcolm
> or elsewhere) seemed concerned about.  Which, again, is why I don't
> understand the whole "MUST...KNOW...ORIGINS...OF DELTA...POWERS TO
> RUN...MY...ADVENTURES" reasoning (do in best William Shatner tones ;) )
> folks (again not Malcolm) were applying.

    That's because I agree with you! "COULD... NOT... CARE... LESS...
WHERE... POWERS.. CAME... FROM." Well, my character would. "You Dr Nemesis?
It was you behind my powers all along? NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!" Cool.

> >organization patrolling the streets kicking Defiance arse it's more
> >to the PC's what the score is, and a hell of a lot harder to make old
> >decisions fit in with new published material.
> Now we come to what Malcolm does think.  And here, my opinion as a Guide
> that...there will be as many Delta Primers as I feel are necessary, to
> nstitute the ambience of paranoia and prosecution necessary as presented
> the background material and overall tone of the game.
> Do I need an exact number to figure this out?  No.  For one thing, I don't
> have to _describe_ the whole world, or the whole U.S.  I not only only
> to deal with just Crescent City, but I just have to deal with what the PCs
> encounter.

<snip-a-de, snip, snip, the above quote sums up the rest of the post I'm
commenting on>

    Figures, figures, I think I've already had a rant about it's accurate
impressions I want, not figures, in my other posting. It's a bit long winded
